Panzer corps 2 kursk
Panzer corps 2 kursk

panzer corps 2 kursk

The number of combat-capable German vehicles started to decrease. At the southern face of the salient, the Germans developed their offensive to Oboyan however, no ultimate victory was achieved here on July 7. The battle continued into the night, illuminated by burning buildings.


After a series of attacks, the Germans occupied the “Pervoe Maya” collective farm and approached the northern edge of Ponyri.

  • JULY 7, 1943: Defense of Ponyri Battles against the XLVIII Panzer CorpsĪt the northern face of the salient, the XLI Panzer Corps under the command of Josef Harpe started the assault of the Ponyri station.
  • In the Koroch direction, Army Detachment Kempf gained a foothold at the bank of the Seversky Donets River. At the southern face of the salient, the Panzer Army under the command of General Hermann Hoth broke through to the second defense line of the Soviet Army. At the same time, the German losses were lower than the day before. However, the advance the 9th Army under the command of General Walter Model slowed down: the Germans forced their way only 2 km deeper.
  • JULY 6, 1943: Soviet Counterattack near Olkhovatka defense of OboyanĪt the northern face of the salient, the Germans repelled a series of counterattacks by the Red Army, causing significant damage in the process.
  • The attack developed in two directions after fierce battles, the Germans advanced 8 km here. The southern face of the salient was attacked by the 4th Panzer Army and Army Detachment Kempf. By the evening, the Germans had forced their way 6–8 km into the Soviet defense lines.

    panzer corps 2 kursk

    It included a regiment of modern Ferdinand tank destroyers.

    panzer corps 2 kursk

    The 9th Army under the command of General Walter Model advanced on the northern face of the salient. JULY 5, 1943: Beginning of the Battle of Kursk & Beginning of Operation Citadel.The II.SS-Panzer-Korps took part in the Ardennes Offensive inDecember, 1944, and was later transfered to the Eastern Front where it endedthe War in May, 1945. The 9th and 10thtook part in these operations against the Allies under control of theII.SS-Panzer-Korps. TheBritish 1st Airborne Division was dropped on Arnhem, and then crushedunder the shear pressure of the German counter-attack. The 9.SS-Panzer-Divison and the 10-SS-Panzer-Division were present in and aroundthe city of Arnhem, the Northern most goal of the Allied offensive. In Septemeber, 1944, the II.SS-Panzer-Korps took part in opeationsduring the Allied Operation Market-Garden, an air and land assault intothe Netherlands. In Late Summer, 1944, the Korps took part in theBattle of Falaise gap, and managed to break-out before the Allies closed thering around them. In June, 1944,the Korps was once again back in France, this time fighting against theD-Day landings in Normany. In the Winter of 1943 the Korps was in France again, until the Spring of1944 when it was transfered to the Eastern Front once more. The Korps was ordered to Italy to help stabilize the rapidly crumblingsituation of Germany’s Italian Ally after the failed Kursk offensive.Mussolini was deposed on the same day that the II.SS-Panzer-Korps wasordered to Italy, and in the end, only the 1.SS-Panzer-Division actaully was transfered, while theother unit of the Korps stayed on the Eastern Front. Against massive Soviet pressure and manpower, theoffensive stalled and was called off shortly after it was launched,and the II.SS-Panzer-Korps was pulled back. The Divisions of the Korpsmanaged to push deeper into the salient then any other unitin the offensive. TheII.SS-Panzer-Korps spearheaded this offensive by driving into thesouthern edge of the Kursk salient. This was the Kursk Offensive, and it wasthe most massive and important tank battle in all of History. The Korps was sent to the Southern Front in Russia inEarly 1943 where it took part in operations to stem the Soviet 1943 WinterOffensive and then to recapture Kharkov and Belgorod in the earlySpring, 1943.Īfter the German success on the Eastern Front in stemming SovietOffensives, the Germans launched an offensive of their own in the Summerof 1943 aimed at further crushing the Soviet forces already pushed back fromthe previous months of fighting. The Korps wasfirst used to control reorganizing SS-Infanterie-Divisionen in France inthe Summer of 1942. It was ready for action 8.42, and in 6.43it was renamed as tje Generalkommando II.SS-Panzerkorps. The II.SS-Panzer-Korps was formed in 7.42 in Bergen (Holland) as ssPanzer-Generalkommando.

    Panzer corps 2 kursk